Unlock Your Writing Potential with the Sci-Fi & Fantasy Planning & Self-Editing Masterclass Giveaway

Mar 14, 2024 |

This masterclass is designed to empower writers like you to develop the skills and confidence needed to create compelling and enchanting stories.

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Planning + Self-Editing Masterclass

*NOTE! The giveaway has closed! If you entered, be sure to check your email for your exclusive offer. If you missed the contest, you can still enroll in the Inky Bookwyrm Conservatory for FREE access to writing resources and receive any updates.

Unlock Your Writing Potential with the Sci-Fi & Fantasy Planning & Self-Editing Masterclass Giveaway!

Are you a passionate science fiction or fantasy writer struggling to craft stories that truly captivate your readers? Do you find yourself lost in the labyrinth of your own creative process, longing to share your imagination with the world? Or perhaps you have a brilliant idea simmering in your mind, but you're unsure how to bring it to life on paper. Fear not, fellow wordsmiths, because your writing journey is about to get a major boost!

Introducing the Sci-Fi & Fantasy Planning & Self-Editing Masterclass Giveaway, brought to you by experienced course instructor and book coach, Gina Kammer. This masterclass is designed to empower writers like you to develop the skills and confidence needed to create compelling and enchanting stories, whether you're starting from scratch or working with a draft that needs refinement.

Why This Masterclass Is a Game-Changer

Every writer faces hurdles along the way, from writer's block to self-doubt and everything in between. This masterclass is the roadmap to help you navigate these challenges and become a more successful author. Here's why this opportunity is too good to pass up:

  1. Expert Guidance: Gina Kammer, a seasoned freelance editor, former in-house editor, and college writing and literature instructor, brings her extensive knowledge of the publishing industry to the table. Her expertise ensures you'll receive top-notch guidance on crafting compelling stories that stand out.

  2. Live Coaching Sessions: Engage in two live sessions each month. Receive personalized coaching, feedback, and participate in Q&A sessions. These sessions are designed to offer individualized attention in a group setting.

  3. Community and Support: Group coaching and an online forum offers you the unique advantage of not only learning from an expert but also from your fellow writers. It's like being part of a close-knit writing community where you can share ideas, get feedback, and find support.

  4. Flexible Learning: Whether you have a draft or just an idea, this masterclass has you covered. Kammer has added a dedicated story planning track, allowing you to work at your own pace and get support throughout your writing journey.

  5. Small Group Size: To maintain a personalized experience, each group has a maximum of twelve writers. This ensures that you receive the attention and support you need to succeed.

  6. Time-Friendly: Writers have many other demands in life, so this masterclass is as flexible as possible. With live sessions held twice a month, you can choose the time that suits your schedule. Sessions are recorded for those unable to attend live, and the online forum is always open for questions.

  7. Comprehensive Resources: You'll receive workbooks, videos, and materials to guide you through planning and self-editing. Plus, all content is conveniently hosted on the masterclass’s course platform for easy access.

  8. Maximizing Your Investment: While professional editing is essential, this masterclass equips you with self-editing skills that will save you time and money in the long run. You'll submit a manuscript that's closer to perfection, reducing the need for extensive edits.

You’ll be able to get started right away with your choice of the planning or revision workbook to help you outline or assess your draft. Submit your work for personalized feedback so that you know exactly how to move forward. Then get started with the course and coaching sessions in January 2024!

Masterclass Curriculum Highlights:

  • Story Planning for Reader Enchantment
  • Decoding Your Draft
  • The 3 Keys to Reader Enchantment
  • Ley Line Layers Revision Strategy
  • Know Your Elements (of Story)
  • The Craft of Structure
  • Critique Therapy

How to Enter the Giveaway

Now, the moment you've been waiting for — your chance to win one free month of coaching in the Sci-Fi & Fantasy Planning & Self-Editing Masterclass! Entering is simple:

  1. Subscribe to Inky Bookwyrm's Newsletter: Make sure you're signed up to the Inky Bookwyrm's newsletter.

  2. Reply with “Giveaway": Keep an eye on your inbox for the newsletter, and when you receive it, reply with the word “giveaway" before October 15, 2023 to enter the contest.

Your Path to Writing Success Begins Here

Imagine the thrill of confidently sharing your story with the world, knowing it's the best it can be. The Sci-Fi & Fantasy Masterclass is your ticket to achieving that dream. With the support of an expert and a community of writers, you'll continuously unlock your writing potential.

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your writing journey. Enter the giveaway, join the masterclass, and enhance your craft like never before. It's time to finish the stories you've always dreamed of.

Ready to embark on your writing adventure? Click here to join the giveaway and take the first step toward becoming a more confident and successful writer.

Giveaway Details: Entrants will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours of entry. If you do not receive a confirmation email, you are not registered. Please register again. Of all entrants, one winner will be randomly selected on October 16 to win one free month of access to the Science Fiction & Fantasy Masterclass starting January 2024 (workbook materials will be provided immediately). The winner will receive notification via registered email. The winner will have 48 hours to confirm acceptance. If the winner does not accept within the 48-hour timeframe, a new winner will be randomly selected. The previous winner will no longer be eligible for the free month of coaching. The confirmed winner will be publicly announced (by first name and last initial only) on October 21. Regardless of winner status, all entrants will receive an exclusive offer following the contest.

    Categories: : novel drafting, novel planning, writer mindset

    Are you ready to learn the brain science hacks to help you get your stories on the page or ready for readers? Let me know what you're working on, and I’ll let you know how I can help!

    Contact Me


    If you would like more resources and writing craft support, sign up for my FREE 3-Day Validate Your Novel Premise Challenge email course. You will learn how to check if you have a viable story idea to sustain a novel and then follow the guided action steps to craft your premise for a more focused drafting or revision experience in just three days.


    Cut through the overwhelm and get your sci-fi/fantasy story to publishable one easy progress win at a time! I'll coach you through the planning, drafting, and self-editing stages to level up your manuscript. Take advantage of the critique partner program and small author community as you finally get your story ready to enchant your readers. 


    Using brain science hacks, hoarded craft knowledge, and solution-based direction, this book dragon helps science-fiction and fantasy authors get their stories — whether on the page or still in their heads — ready to enchant their readers. To see service options and testimonials to help you decide if I might be the right editor or book coach for you,

    Hello! I'm Gina Kammer, The Inky Bookwyrm — an author, editor, and book coach. I give science fiction and fantasy authors direction in exploring their creativity and use brain science hacks to show them how to get their stories on the page or ready for readers. 

    I'll be the book dragon at your back. 
    Let me give your creativity wings.

    This bookwyrm will find the gems in your precious treasure trove of words and help you polish them until their gleam must be put on display. Whether that display takes the form of an indie pub or with the intent of finding a traditional home — or something else entirely! — feed me your words, and I can help you make that dream become more than a fantasy.